
Tema Central Cathedral of MDCC holds dedication service

Fri, 29 Mar 2013 Source: GNA

A thanks-giving and dedication service for the Tema Central Cathedral of the Mosama Disco Christ Church (MDCC) have been held with a call on Christians to renew their faith and rededicate themselves to the service of God.

Reverend James Kojo Addae, Senior Superintendent Minister of the MDCC, who made the call at Tema Community ‘6’, paid glowing tribute to the founding fathers of the Tema Central Cathedral for their vision, foresight, dedication, commitment and hard work over the years, which had finally resulted in the thanks-giving and dedication ceremony.

He asked Ghanaians to continue to co-exist peacefully and not to compromise on the peace the nation has been enjoying all these while.

The Senior Supt Minister advised politicians to guard against inflammatory statements and politics of insults.

He also enjoined media practitioners to let truth, fairness and objectivity be their guiding principles in their daily reportage.

Rev Samuel Mills, Tema Diocesan Minister of the Church advised the youth not to indulge in social vices.

Instead, he said, the youth should exert their energies on profitable and viable ventures since that would help them to grow into responsible adults.

Nana Obokomatta IX, Chief of Gomoa Dasum and guest of honour commended the congregation for their love and unity.

Nana Obokomatta urged them to stand firm in the love and service of God so as to be counted as part of the history writing of the church.

Mr J.T. Newman, Assistant Lay Elder of the church commended members for their dedication to duty, determination and hard work in putting up the edifice.

The theme for the occasion was "Behold I build a House to the name of the Lord my God”.

Source: GNA