
"Terrorism" At University Of Cape Coast

Fri, 21 Mar 2003 Source: Insight

Lecturers at the University of Cape Coast are beside themselves with disbelief following weeks of harassment suffered by the President of the University Teachers Association of Ghana (UTAG), Mr Abooley.

Sources close to UTAG told the ''Insight'' that Mr Abooley’s harassment may be directly related to the Association’s struggles for improved conditions of work.

It all begun when Abooley got a letter warning him that if UTAG declared a strike, his children will be harmed. The letter named his children and the schools they attend.

Sometime later, unknown persons broke into Mr Abooley’s office on the University campus. They consumed what was in the refrigerator and urinated in a bowl which they left behind with a letter. The letter simply said that ''we will be back''.

Following these harassment, lecturers of the UCC held a marathon meeting to discuss the situation. It is still not clear what action the lecturers intend to take to protect their colleague or whether the security services have been informed of the threats.

The Insight is frantically trying to establish contact with Mr Abooley

Source: Insight