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The Church: Your Salvation or Starvation, Saving you or Slaving you?

Mon, 19 Dec 2011 Source: Saint Modibo

We’ve all seen the proliferation of churches in every corner of our country Ghana and probably in other places of the world. One question we need to ask ourselves is whether the churches are meeting our spiritual needs. A lot more people these days are doubtful about the church and religion in general. If you’re one of such people you’re not alone. You and countless others have arrived at a crossroad in your quest for truth and spirituality. It takes great courage to leave the religion we’re born into. Only the brave and courageous and open-hearted souls are able to turn towards greater truths.

I believe it is time to take stock of our lives and assess objectively what is helping or hurting us, be it economically, emotionally, financially or physically. Every rational being does this once in a while. It is this assessment that results in people giving up bad habits or turning their lives around. It’s time for yet another assessment as we approach the end of 2011.

Going to church is good, just like going to the mosque. The purpose is to worship. Anything beyond that is unacceptable and suspicious. Wherever there are rules and dogmas, there are always problems associated with control or somebody trying to run one’s life. God made us in his image and likeness, which means each one of us has the potential of being God-like. All we need to do is realize this potential and harness it. But when we entrust our whole thinking to people claiming to be the intermediaries between God and us, they’ll run and ruin our lives spiritually and financially.

In my opinion, the only reason for the proliferation of churches is nothing other than to make money. Who cares about you other than you? We have to be smart and wake up. We have to ask questions. The Kingdom of God is surely within us, and nowhere else. It’s within each and every one of us. We’re God-like, in fact gods. The reason why the church does not mention this is because once their followers realize they’re all gods in disguise, their industry will ceases to exist, and nobody to control, manipulate and dictate to. And this is frightening to them.

Haven’t we ever heard of pastors or church founders at logger heads with deacons or elders who break away to found their own churches? There should be no bickering whatsoever as long as the purpose of church is to win souls for Christ. But if the purpose is something else, then pastor will not be happy because the deacon or elder will take away some members of the congregation. And congregation is synonymous to money in the church. Have you also wondered why all churches, claim that Jesus Christ is their master and savior, all use one book, the bible and yet they cannot come under one umbrella, and form one Church? The reason is simple. The late Rev. Dr. David B. Barrett (founder: Center for the Study of Global Christianity) enlisted the help of 444 specialist and discovered that there are over ten thousand religions in the world. Within Christianity alone, there are 38,830 denominations.

Churches are money-making corporations. Maybe this is why money and churches are both divided into denominations- Anonymous.

Lest I forget, each one of us is our own priest and priestess. We hold the key to our successes and failures. So take charge of your own lives. If your faith is Christianity, read your bible and ask God for intuitive meanings and directions, ask God for miracles, ask God for solutions to your problems. Be persistent, and then in the still, quiet moments, your answers will come. It could be in the form of a dream, what a coworker says, the newspaper headlines, or from your radio or TV set. Most often, we expect miracles in the form of an angel with golden wing coming into our bedroom and handing us a job offer letter or a magic conception pill or the name and phone number of a woman or man to marry. No, the answers come in subtle ways and one has to open one’s eyes and ears and hearts.

Now speaking of angels, please be informed that our Angels or Spirit Guide talk to us everyday, whether we know it or not. They are always around us watching over us, ready to assist when we call upon them. We’re never alone. I’ve tried and tested them and they are always there and effective. They don’t interfere with our lives until we call upon them for assistance. And they’re non denominational. Ask them whatever question and they have the answer. Of course we all need people in our lives to get going but not perpetually. God, your Angels and Spirit Guide are watching over us and ready to guide and offer help.

The collapse of religion is being openly acknowledged in certain advanced countries while in others there is still the desperate attempt to hold on, but for how long? The wave of change is propagating from developed countries and will soon arrive in the third world. It would not surprise me if people strongly oppose this open fact. This should rather be an opportune time to reflect deeper upon one’s life and recalibrate our paradigms of truth.

Surveys report that well over 50 percent of all Americans are actively involved in New Age studies etc. It is therefore not hard to see that religion is no longer answering our "big questions." Now when we consider the presence of extraterrestrials as an increasingly real proposition, we can no longer be content with the old answers. Old paradigms definitely have to give way to new truths.

This is what I propose: God does not need our money. That is why he/she created the world and universes without money coming from any mortal being. It’s disappointing the so-called men of God cannot request for a church building to manifest. I believe in the omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient, loving caring forgiving God. He’s got the power over all of creation, and I certainly believe that if God does need our money, he/she should have the power to withdraw from our bank accounts. Please join me in giving God the authority to withdraw money from our bank accounts so that from henceforth, no mortal being will act as a collector of “God’s money.” Or we can simply leave “God’s money” on the kitchen table for him/her to pick them up.

And those of us in the shackles of such con artists, it is most likely your pastor has never advised the congregation to save towards retirement or towards our children’s college education. Why would they shoot themselves in the foot? That would dry up the oil-rich sand reservoir.

If you contribute tithe and your family finances are strained but you feel obliged to do so else it’s a ‘sin’ against God, or if you’re a faithful contributor and you are not saving towards your retirement or towards your children’s college education, or if you are still renting or struggling to raise rent advance etc., then think twice. If you do the maths, you could go for a mortgage with your down-the-drain contributions that fatten the pastors and their cronies. Fear tactics is their modus operandi, for we are the very people who give them that power and help keep it alive against ourselves.

Unfortunately, Jesus has been portrayed by so-called men of God, and the Church Institution in an image that brings them money, power and control. The bible as we know it, has been edited multiple times, to make us the fools, and easy to control. The bible is the most edited and plagiarized book ever written. A lot of the Old Testament episodes were already on Sumerian clay tablets which predate the old testament by a couple of thousand years, at least.

Is it surprising that some charismatic churches in Ghana now have branches/franchises overseas whereas there aren’t any in the villages in Ghana? Why would they travel overseas to spread the word of God and win souls for Christ when they could do that at home? You tell me. Is it any wonder that the pastors and their cronies are the only ones who prosper materially while the rest are promised their rewards in heaven? So it’s high time we took charge of our spiritual lives. We have to “rebel” against the forces that keep us in the dark and in ignorance, blinding us from the Christ Consciousness, the Holy Spirit, and the kingdom of God, which lie in each and every one of us. And we’re not rebelling with clubs and sticks but with knowledge, awareness, and conscious awakening.

Whoever cannot find a temple in his heart, the same can never find his heart in any temple – Mikhail Naimy

It should never be forgotten that the power of the priests rests solely on the credence of the people. The people cry out for a savior, for certainty of heaven, for an exemption from the terrors of hell. Hence Priestcraft can neither do without hell nor purgatory. Take away both, or either and its power is gone – M. F. Cusack.

The only good is knowledge and the only evil is ignorance – Socrates

Now, see how semantics and phonetics could be cunningly used for deceptive purposes. When the ‘men of God’ say “we’ll lead you to Salvation, they probably mean “we’ll lead you to Starvation. When they say “we’ll save you,” they probably mean “we’ll slave you.” When they say “we love you,” they most likely mean “we laugh at you.” When they use the phrase “we want to correct” guess what, they may mean “we want to corrupt.” Finally, when they say “Spiritual Immortality,” they may very well mean sexual immorality. The testament is apparently all around for all to see.

It baffles me to know that ‘men of God’ are involved in immoral practices in the ‘house of God.’ Practices so nasty even to think about. I’m referring to priests policing ‘the behind’ of innocent children. And this is happening across the spectrum, from Catholic to Charismatic. So what is going on in our society, and in our churches? Are they really doing the work of God? I remember this very popular song from Sunday school “Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world, red and yellow black and white… And I can remember vividly a drawing of children of different races flanked around Jesus, some sitting on his laps. But neither was sitting in his crotch. He loved the little children; he didn’t make love to the little children. So why are these ‘men of God’ who claim they’re following Jesus’ footprints doing something else? Maybe we need to take another look at the church. The institution we’ve trusted for centuries and generations may not be what we think it is.

What we need to do as a people right now is to grow out of the John 3:16 mentality, to the John 14:12 one as we prepare to transition from the Piscean age to Aquarian or Golden Age. “I will be with you always, even until the end of the age - Matthew 28:20.” Jesus was referring to the end of the Piscean age, after which the opportunity to Ascend is made available to all. But each one will make a unilateral decision whether they would like to ascend or not. Those who ascend will become Christ-like and will be able to perform the feats Jesus mentions in John 14:12.

I can’t conclude without mentioning we’re in the age of revealing. Every lie shall be exposed and every truth shall be made known. And it’s happening right now, in real time.

All truth passes through three stages. First it is ridiculed, second it is violently opposed, and third, it is accepted as self-evident. – (Arthur Schopenhauer, 1788-1860)

Most of us have gone past the first two stages, but are hesitant about going past the third. Always remember, the truth shall set us free, but only after stage three.

Merry Christmas and a Surprising New Year!


Source: Saint Modibo