
The Educated Are Sexually Corrupt – Churcher

Wed, 2 Jul 2003 Source: .

The Minister of Education in charge of Basic, Secondary and Girl-Child, Christine Churcher has observed that it appears the more education people have, the more promiscuous they become. Such, people, she noted, also engage in multiple sexual relationships and forget about their culture.

According to Miss Churcher, ''it looks as if education has engendered a more liberal set of values that free the individual form inhibitions and restrictions that are upheld by tradition''.

She expressed regret that unprecedented numbers of students are not realizing their academic goals, because many more become exposed to the risk of acquiring HIV as a result of negative peer influence, disregard for authority, lack of parental care and stimulation of dangerous sexual interest through exposure to pornographic internet sites.

Ms Churcher pointed out that more female students are dressing in a manner that is tantamount to indecent exposure, and yet when their attention is drawn to the phenomenon, they ignore it.

Source: .