
The Ewe-Canadian Cultural Organization of Ontario

Tue, 4 Oct 2011 Source: Eklou Semenya

The 18th annual Council of Ewe Associations of North America (CEANA) convention took place in Toronto, Ontario, Canada from September 2nd through September 5th 2011 at Toronto Airport Marriott, 901 Dixon Rd, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The theme for this year’s culturally filled Convention was "Empowering Women through Education”. full story

The 18th annual Council of Ewe Associations of North America (CEANA) convention took place in Toronto, Ontario, Canada from September 2nd through September 5th 2011 at Toronto Airport Marriott, 901 Dixon Rd, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The theme for this year’s culturally filled Convention was "Empowering Women through Education”. full story

Source: Eklou Semenya