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The Gates Of Hell

Wed, 23 Mar 2011 Source: Enoch Immanuel Amanor Agbozo

My heart is overflowing with a good theme.

I speak of things which I have heard from the King.

My tongue is the pen of a ready writer (Psalm 45:1)

I speak as an Apostle-Prophet to the church and nations commissioned by Jesus Christ and the Father.

The Spirit of the LORD is upon me, among others to lead the Church to re-visit the foundation of the church and church mission and through the church to present Jesus Christ back to the church and nations, and creation as a whole.

In this regard, we are engaged in proclaiming, discipling and equipping the Church for the Gospel of Christ and the Kingdom of God on earth. In the ultimate, we BLOW THE TRUMPET HERALING the SECOND COMING of JESUS CHRSIT – Preparing the way of the Lord.

In this article, we call attention to the spiritual foundation, objective and goal of Christ’s redemption and kingdom missions according as He directed the Church on the matter, declaring:

“And I say also unto thee,

That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church,

and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven:

and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven:

and whatsoever thou shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven”

(Mathew 16:18-19 - KJV)

It is common knowledge in this regard that the direction of and reference to Apostle Peter as the rock by the LORD stands essentially for the Church Belief, Faith, Confession and Witness of Jesus as CHRIST, SON of The LIVING GOD to the world. This is the platform of conversion and mission set in place by the FATHER Himself through SPIRIT UNCTION upon the apostle for the benefit of all who believe and trust Him Jehovah as God.

The conversion platform makes BELIEF, ACCEPTANCE and CONFESSION of JESUS as CHRIST, SON of GOD the FOUNDATIONAL SPIRIT POWER ROCK and STEPPING STONE of the Christian Faith and Church Mission (John 3:16; 1:12-13, 16; 2Pet. 1:1-4; Romans 10:9-13). Men and the world must know who Jesus is (Math. 16:13).

It goes without saying that the Christian Faith is built upon TRUST IN GOD THROUGH FAITH IN JESUS CHRIST and the TRUTH of the SCRIPTURES as administered by THE HOLY SPIIRT. And that they that worship God the Creator must worship Him in spirit and in truth.

The Christian Faith is NOT an angelic nor human spirit system. The church is NOT a human creation, nor is it of earthly origin and disposition. Faith in Christ is the door and key to the Father, and heaven, the HEAVENLY COURT, THRONE ROOM and PRESENCE of GOD (Mathew 11:27; John 10:9; 14:6-7, 21-23; Mathew 16:19).

Now, Jesus Christ knowing the spirit and power system controlling the world and the spirit-and min-set of men running the worldly systems and the kingdoms of the world assured the Church that HE Jesus the Christ WILL BUILD HIS CHURCH and THE HEAVENLY KINGDOM or His Messianic Kingdom order on earth and the gates or powers of hell (darkness) in the world CANNOT PREVAIL AGAINST IT.

He went on further to GRANT THE CHURCH AUTHORITY and POWER to confront powers, subdue dominions, thrones and kingdoms, binding and loosing, and establishing the heavenly kingdom order and God’s will on earth (Math. 16:18-19; Luke 10:18-19; Math. 28:18-20; Rev. 11:15).

It is the nature, structure and operations of the powers of darkness, THE GATES of HELL that we address in this article for the benefit of church and peoples as well as governments and nations of the world.


As we stated in the opening statement, we write as a result of revelation and direction of the LORD and unction from the Spirit of God.

We humbly beseech readers therefore to read us with this understanding, THAT IT IS JEHOVAH GOD WHO WILLS THAT MEN BE SAVED FROM SIN, delivered and set free from captivity and dominion of the SIN WORLD and KINGDOM ORDER, and redeemed from the oppression and control of Satan and wicked powers.

Essentially, the Gates of Hell refer to the REIGNING and RULING POWERS, SYSTEMS and STRUCTURES of the world THAT STAND AGAINST GOD, His dominion, reign and rule of the earth, His Worship, Honour and Glory as God, Creator and Father and which hurl people into eternal damnation and destruction.

There has arisen as a result a reigning and ruling spirit in the world of THE REJECTION OF GOD and THE KNOWLEDGE, FEAR, OBEDINECE and HONOUR of HIM as God, Creator and King (Psalm 2).

Satan and men have instead projected themselves as God who must be worshipped, obeyed and honoured as God and Father, Redeemer and Hope of peoples, tribes and nations, indeed the human race and creation as a whole.

While some claim that THERE IS NO GOD so to make room to assert themselves as God or gods, others declare that ALL WHO PROJECT THEMSELVES and CLAIM TO BE GODS whether men or spirits deserve equal honour and obedience as the creator.

It follows that the gods of the tribes and nations are “GOD” themselves in their own rights. At least they derive their powers and mandate to reign, rule and control peoples and tribes, creation and territories from the One God Creator. (If there is no God and no creator, everybody, everything is god unto himself/herself/itself).

Thus, not only do they reign, rule and control peoples and affairs with terror, wickedness and without restraint, THEY REJECT JESUS CHRIST as SON of THE LIVING GOD and ONE SENT with FULL AUTHORITY and POWER, RIGHT and MANDATE to REPRESENT THE FULLNESS of the GODHEAD, Creator and ORDER the affairs of men and creation, the world and universe according to the will, bidding and pleasure of the FATHER Creator.

Indeed, Satan and men, spirits and powers have set up peoples, tribes and nations, empires and dominions, kingdoms and thrones in the REJECTION and DENIAL, DEFIANCE and DISOBEDIENCE of GOD the Creator and the SON, the anointed and sent one, Jesus Christ.

It is these powers and systems of pervasive and wicked domination, oppression and control in the world that constitute THE GATES OF HELL in nations and among peoples.

CHURCH MISSION therefore involves not only in dealing with sin, quelling rebellion and disobedience but also in delivering and redeeming peoples and nations from and overthrowing the kingdoms and world order of gods, kingdoms and thrones of rejection, rebellion and disobedience against the CREATOR, His Law, Light and Ways and His Kingdom, reign and rule and glory on earth.

CHRIST has come to reconcile the world with the Creator to end this, to save from sin, deliver and redeem peoples and nations, restore, re-build and establish the Creator’s Heavenly Kingdom order in the nations on earth and the world. This is the way of Peace, Righteousness and Joy for peoples and nations.


From the foregoing, the LORD has identified three major elements and forces of control in the gates of hell in the nations.

There is first KINGS, EMPERORS, CHIEFS and systems of monarchy in the nations.

The kings, emperors, chiefs and such as operate as monarchs tend to take on “Divine” stance and powers, often with the connivance, assistance and control of Satan and powers of darkness seeking WORSHIP, HONOUR, DOMINION and CONTROL over peoples, tribes and nations.

The second group are POLITICIANS and DICTATORS of all hues whatever the system of government THAT DO NOT ACCEPT and HONOUR GOD as creator, the SOVEREIGN and SUPREME POWER whose will, commandments, law and ways must guide the exercise of power and conduct, and to whom the ruling powers owe allegiance and account for their conduct and performance.

In this regime, the state is considered, treated and honoured as GOD. Thus the state cannot and does not share his “Divine and sovereign” powers with any one. Such is the spiritual underpinning for example of the modern secular state, where in the name of human rights and pluralism GOD the Creator HAS NO RIGHT TO EXPECT HONOUR and OBEDIENCE from anyone. In that understanding and arrangement those WHO EXERCISE STATE POWER, and manage the sovereign authority of the nation TEND TO BELIEVE and CONDUCT THEMSELVES as GOD. The state is personified as it were in the ruling head.

Thus, the President and Head of Sate elected or self-imposed dictator, civilian or military, cleric or religious leader without DUE KNOWLEDGE, RESPECT for and HUMILITY before God the Creator can easily fall to the grandeur and majesty of office and impose himself or herself as God, supreme power and why not LIFE PRESIDENT/HEAD of STATE, reigning and ruling, compelling obedience and honour at the peril of lives, human dignity, social progress and national glory.

There is a third group – THE PEOPLE – whose sovereign reign and rule is often described as PEOPLES POWER. By the standard conduct of affairs in the world to-day, PEOPLES POWER whether it be by representation, co-ercion, manipulation and usurpation or by “popular” revolt can assume Divine sovereign character. In the absence of GOD and the KNOWLEDGE of HIM, His Will, Law and Ways and His overall sovereign and supreme reign and rule in the affairs of peoples, nations and the world, PEOPLES POWER can be dark, oppressive and confused.

Essentially, the above three systems of governance in the nations of the world are all hooked on to the REJECTION of GOD the Creator and HIS ANOINTED, the KNOWLEDGE of His Will, Law and Commandments, Light and Ways and the TRUTH of the HOLY WORD and SPIRIT POWER and DOMINION in the affairs of men and creation.

That is to say, the reigning and ruling spirit- and mind-set in the world to-day is THAT SATAN and MAN ARE GODS. That either or both can serve as the GOD(S) of the HUMAN RACE, NATIONS and THE WORLD. Each, everybody and all HAVE RIGHT therefore TO ASSUME SOVEREIGN RIGHTS, COMMAND and COMPEL acceptance, obedience and respect as GOD without any pretence, fear or favour. Since all are gods, no one rules anybody. Whoever can arraign, command and compel obedience HAS RIGHT TO WHOM and WHAT he/she POSSESSES and commands.

It is not surprising there is so much confusion, commotion and insecurity, violence, wars and rumours of wars, pain and suffering in the world today. Authority, law and order have no place in modern society. Conscience has lost power. Morality has broken down. All is dark.

The truth on the other h and is that GOD HAS NOT ABDICATED N OR SURRENDERED HIS SOVEREIGN POWER and AUTHORITY, RIGHT and DOMINION over men and creation, the peoples and nations of the world.

In the midst of struggle everywhere in the jungle and darkness of the world, the LORD GOD JEHOVAH is shaking all things, all kingdoms, all thrones, ensuring that NO SPIRIT NOR POWER EMERGES TO TAKE OVER TOTAL and EVERLASTING DOMINION over the world. The gods of kings, politicians and peoples power are at war against each other (Heb. 12:25-27).

Meanwhile, His dominion over the heavens and the earth, over the waters, fires, the winds and land are manifesting everywhere. THE GATES OF HELL ARE SHAKING. NOTHING IS HOLDING. Jesus Christ is coming soon to judge the world and seal all things. Hallelujah. Come, Lord Jesus!




March 16, 2011

Source: Enoch Immanuel Amanor Agbozo