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The Guide

Wed, 10 Feb 1999 Source: --

On the front page of the paper is "Pay 4000 Minimum Wage" According to the story, the Reform Movement has called on the government to peg the minimum wage at 4000 for the Ghanaian worker.

According to the paper in a ten point Action Programme for the Reform Movement, the 4,000 minimum wage is to bring about wealth redistribution to the poor.

The paper added that, the Reform Movement is of the view that the governments retrenchment programme has created more joblessness and more social problems.

The paper stated that, the Reform Movement also noted that 16 years of the government structural adjustment programme has proved that so-called free-market economics can only deliver more inequality in society.

The paper concluded that, the NDC's constant saying of "our people are our greatest resource base" has proven that oppressive conditions of the NDC government can kill people's capacity to be resourceful.

Source: --