
The Impact – 10 million mask-wearing awareness campaign

Mask Wearing767.jpeg Mask wearing campaign

Tue, 2 Feb 2021 Source: Sally Nyarko-Pong/PGSM Alumni Ghana

Globally, as of 11:13am GMT, 1st February 2021, 103,592,282 confirmed cases of COVID-19 were recorded, including 2,239,248 deaths.

In Ghana, as of 1st February 2021, 11:13 am GMT, 67,010 Coronavirus Cases and 416 deaths were captured.

These are statistics that surely should send some shivers down the spine of every patriotic citizen of the world like yourself. The greater part, if not all of 2020, had been dominated by the treachery and extensive impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic.

It was no longer enough to think of safety and well-being just within the scope of one’s immediate surroundings or borders, a collective and synergistic effort from all became the only way forward. Lives, businesses, dreams, and aspirations were either destroyed or at best paused.

Sadly, the story has not changed much, the narratives of 2020 still seem to be the reality of 2021 so far. That needs to change, and that can only happen when we all commit to doing the needful.

The Impact-10 Million Mask-wearing Awareness Campaign is one of the many ways we can all get involved in this fight against a common enemy – the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Our goal is to sensitize the public on the need to keep the mask on sosay safe and bring down the infection rates. The campaign has already earned significant traction, credibility and acceptance within a very short period after its inception by the Patron and Project Owner – Sally Nyarko-Pong (A seasoned retired banker), the Ghana Alumni of Paris Graduate School of Management (PGSM-Alumni), Volunteering Professional in various fields and Donors across the globe.

We are all capable of supporting in any way to help us reach, touch, and educate over 10-million people across the country and the world, to reach out and be a part of this worthy and fulfilling course.

We are grateful to all our donors and potential ones in advance for helping us make this work.

THE PANDEMIC ISN’T OVER, KEEP THE MASK ON TO STAY SAFE! Tell this to the next 10 people you see today, and you would have already started supporting this all-important awareness creation in full-swing.

Details & Support - (+233244282929)

Source: Sally Nyarko-Pong/PGSM Alumni Ghana