Dr Dr. Louisa Satekla-Ansong with some volunteers at the event
The Livingstone Foundation (TLF) is embarking on an intensified cervical cancer advocacy and screening exercise this month to combat the disease, as well as mark the annual World Cervical Cancer Awareness Month.
In an aim to lessen the incidence of cervical cancer in the nation, the non-profit & non-governmental organization founded by celebrated musical artiste Stonebwoy organized a free cervical cancer screening exercise program in collaboration with the La Dade-Kotopon Municipal Health Directorate and La Polyclinic at La Dade-Kotopon Municipal Assembly on Monday January 16th.
Hundreds of residents of the La Dade-Kotopon Municipality benefited from the free screening exercise that was carried out by qualified health professionals in the country. The beneficiaries from the program had screening for various cervical cancer disorders, received free medications, some hygiene products, and received nutrition and healthy living advice.
The activity formed part of the foundation’s plans to ensure that beneficiary residents are abreast of their health conditions, and seek recommended medical treatment based on the results of the screening. This year, TLF and its partners seek to end cervical cancer within a few generations as the theme for Cervical Cancer Awareness Month: "Get informed." Get Screened. Get Vaccinated".
This year’s exercise included a variety of activities, such as health education, VIA screening, PAP smear, and more, in order to highlight and raise awareness about cervical cancer, which is the second most common cancer in women but one of the leading causes of cancer deaths in Ghana, Africa, according statistics.
"It's Cervical Cancer Awareness Month this January," the director of The Livingstone Foundation and renowned Dental Surgeon, Dr. Louisa Satekla-Ansong says. "This is an ideal chance for us and our partners to mobilize our combined efforts and work together to raise awareness about cervical cancer.”
"Cervical cancer is one of the most successfully treated kinds of cancer when diagnosed early and managed appropriately. With the right medical care and palliative care, cancers that have already advanced to advanced stages can also be controlled. Within a few generations, cervical cancer as a public health issue can be solved with a comprehensive strategy to prevention, screening, and treatment” she added.
Some beneficiaries of the exercise commended Stonebwoy and the management of The Livingstone Foundation for the exercise and called on other organizations and corporate institutions to follow suit. According to them, many citizens, especially the poor, do not go for regular health check-ups due to the cost involved. They said that offering free health exams and encouraging regular exercise among the underprivileged will prevent many pre-mature death cases.
THE LIVINGSTONE FOUNDATION is a non-governmental organization with the vision of alleviating the suffering and bringing hope to brilliant but needy and the vulnerable in the society by way providing monetary, technical aid etc. It main focuses are providing equal access to education, care for accident survivor healthcare, community advocacy and youth empowerment.
Last month, the organization, on the occasion of Stonebwoy’s daughter 5th birthday celebration, paid the medical expenses for some patients at the Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital as well as donate supplies worth thousands of cedis, such as kids’ hygiene products (soaps, diapers, wipes, etc.), packs of bottle water, drinks, hand sanitizers, boxes of biscuits, and other assorted items to the child health unit.