
The Lowdown: Group declares it will use every avenue to halt sale of Saglemi Housing project

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Mon, 27 Feb 2023 Source:

The Minister for Works and Housing, Francis Asenso-Boakye, announced in 2022 that the government intended to sell the Saglemi Housing project to a private developer due to a lack of funds to complete it.

However, a group calling itself 'Team Saglemi Not for Sale' has strongly been opposing this move by the government and has indicated its readiness to prevent the sale of the over 1,500 housing units.

On this score, the convenor of the group, Nana Otu Darko, joined Daniel Oduro on The Lowdown on GhanaWeb TV, to highlight some of the objectives of the group and also explain the length to which they are willing to go, just to stop the sale of the Saglemi Housing project.

The group believes that the over 1,500 housing units will help bridge the housing deficit in the country if the government commits to finishing it.

The group also said that the affordability of the housing units under the government is questionable, how much more in the hands of a private investor who works for profit.

"So I did the math that even if the government is selling, it's not too affordable so when a private oriented businessman comes in, won't it even defeat the purpose thereof?" Nana Otu Darko quizzed.

Watch the interview below:

