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Sun, 21 Aug 2011 Source: Abdur Rahman Shaban Alfa

The RAMADAN season is not but a period during which Muslims are supposed to abstain from food, drink, sex and other acts, between dawn (after taking a pre-dawn meal/Sahuur) till sunset, when they break their fasts, (with the Iftaar meal).

The blessed nature of the period has seen active Muslims do more than they did outside Ramadan, so gripping is the euphoria that even non-active Muslims are ‘whipped in line,’ activated if you like to get into Muslim mode by clicking the Ramadan button, - for all such Ramadan Muslims we pray that Allah guides them aright post Ramadan.

Ramadan enthusiasm and fervor is single act that galvanizes the global Muslims audience, within a particular period of time as above stated to seek the face of their Master, Lord, Cherisher, Maintainer, Sustainer and Sovereign King by doing good and forbidding wrong.

The essence though being that practitioners of the holy act can gain the piety form their Lord and also use that period as a spring board to garner a quantum leap of good, blessing, mercy and grace of the Almighty.

Via the Ramadan route, it is expected that Muslims would be able to steer themselves through the remaining months: making the best of Ramadan clearly being a non-negotiable component (for the umpteenth time I say) of the very blessed period.

Ghana as I have seen over the years is keen on Ramadan and that buzz, - of graciousness, goodness, humility, love and fellow feeling - leaves imprinted on my mind and in my heart the greater longing to make the lofty pleasurable and fun-filled gardens of Allah’s paradise, Al Jannah.

Having fasted all my life in Ghana, the buzz of the period as I have experienced it is aromatic enough to share; the minarets are agog with Quranic recitations, the mosques are filled to the brim during Fardh (Compulsory) prayers.

Make the least mistake and you are as good as praying on a mat spread across the street corner, interaction is so cordial and with measure and pleasure, then when it’s time to break the fast, giving is openly and with pride without any hindering whatsoever.

There is always too much to banquet on during the fast breaking feast as the young and old sit around mats in mosques to partake in the Iftaar, fruits as the Islamically prudish dates fruit – known in local parlance as dabino – are present as are fruits as banana, sliced water melons, pawpaw, mangoes etc. apples make a rare entry sometimes.

Local delicacies particularly kooko (millet porridge) and koose (accompanying grounded beans ‘pizza’-like meal) are gratuitously sent to mosques, at some mosques foods as rice are prepared and served to the famished fasting person.

As for quenching the trademark thirst that dries the throat and leaves Muslims longing to break their fasts, aside water, locally brewed drinks; Sooboloobo, laamujee and mashed kenkey (referred to as ice kenkey) are among the thirst quenching squad.

At the economic level, businesses virtually comes to a standstill, a position corroborated by food vendors, retail outlets selling any and everything, mornings and afternoons are relatively serene till sunset.

Then does the city burst out with life, the ambience is hale and hearty, excitement in the air grips Muslims and non-Muslims alike who partake in food available for the fast breaking feast.

ABOUT RAMADAN Ramadan is the ninth month on the Islamic calendar, and that 29 or 30 day period is by miles the best period in the lives of Muslims – adherents of the Islamic faith.

The reason for which Ramadan stands tall above all other months stems from a divine admonition by the Sovereign Lord _Allah Almighty, who in HIS infinite knowledge stated without equivocation in Quran Chapter 2 verse 183 (verse whose meaning could be as follows.)

“O you believers! We (Allah) have made fasting compulsory upon you, as it was made compulsory on your forebears, that ye may attain piety.”

Since this verse was revealed to the Holy Prophet Mohammed Al Mustapha centuries back, adherents of the faith have waited in earnest to partake in what has been considered the most blessed period of the lunar year.

Perhaps it would be acceptable to sign out with the supplication of breaking one’s fast, it is translated thus: “The thirst is gone, the veins are wetted and the reward is guaranteed if it is the will of Allah,” alternatively, “O Allah! To YOU does the fast belong, [and in YOU we trust and on YOU do we rely] and it is with YOUR wealth we break the fast.”

May the Almighty accept, reward and bless our efforts at pleasing HIM, may He grant us the Jannah (Paradise) for which we strive to earn his pleasure and to grant us good in this world and in the hereafter. Allah Guide us All.


Straight from the airport of Islamic Jurisprudence (FIQHU) On a trip of 29 or 30 days in full flight (throughout Ramadan) With an able and experienced pilot, Al Quran And an equally good co-pilot: LAILATUL QADR (Night of Power) Airline engineer/technician: TARAAWEEH (Optional prayers) Cooks on board; blessed duo of SAHUR/IFTAAR With a cockpit called MASAAJID (Usually packed mosques) Airline hostesses come in Rahma/Mercy and Magfira/Forgiveness Stewards Afwan/Pardon, Salam/Peace and Tawbah/Repentance Insurance embedded in the holy EID UL FITR (Post Ramadan festival) Transits at I’TIKAAF/Seclusion and TAFSEER/Quran exegesis airports The passengers? Devout Muslims worldwide (Male, female, kids) In a common flight class, AS SWAA’IM(the fasting person) Flight agencies: Dua/Supplicatin and Az Kaaar/Remembrance A trip fuelled by HASANAH(goodness) and NUUR (light) Seated at the Control Tower is AL MALIKUL MULK The Sovereign King of Kings: Allahu Jal la Wa Alaa! Final flight destination: lofty gardens of JANNAH (Paradise) Blessed and safe trip aboard RAMADAN AIRWAYS RAMADAN SHAREEF, KAREEM & MUBAARAK!

The writer is the Secretary of Confidence Muslim Youth Association (CMYA) Personal email:

© Abdur Rahman Shaban Alfa, Facebook: Confidence Muslim Youth Association

Source: Abdur Rahman Shaban Alfa