
The University Challenge launched! – All you need to know

The University Challenge2 The University Challenge

Tue, 23 Jan 2024 Source: Charterhouse

The University Challenge envisions a transformative departure from the conventional approach of obtaining degrees solely for job-seeking purposes - a pursuit that is often limited by the scarcity of job opportunities in a given economy or country.

Instead, the focus is on cultivating entrepreneurs and fostering leadership and wealth creation. The University Challenge is a 10-to-13-week inter-university competition, designed to recruit the brains from selected universities across the country, to brainstorm execution solutions to real-life challenges of our communities, feeding off the courses they are offered within the schools they attend.

The essence of this concept lies in encouraging students to embark on business ventures before completing their degrees. Additionally, the initiative promotes the establishment of a comprehensive network platform across all universities, allowing students to recognize the potential of their peers before degree acquisition. The premise is clear: students are encouraged to build businesses and create a robust network within the university ecosystem.

The University Challenge spans beyond the traditional academic realm, extending from the development of effective governance structures to the establishment of thriving businesses and industrial platforms. By encouraging this holistic approach, The University Challenge seeks to redefine the purpose of higher education and empower students to become not just job-seekers, but creators of economic opportunities and leaders in their respective fields.

A University Challenge student is expected - alongside a team of their interconnected peers - to develop an incubator for theoretical solutions and apply them to real-world problems.

What are the requirements for participating in the University Challenge?

1. One must be a student of any of the selected schools working with the New Africa Foundation.

2. One must be selected by the scouting team as an eligible candidate during the casting sessions.

3. One must be smart, entrepreneurial, solutions-oriented, a team player, and a leader, amongst others.

4. One must be selected amongst the top 5 to earn a spot in the team that will represent the school.

How does one participate in The University Challenge?

1. Follow The University Challenge on social media, or look out for information about the casting session in your school.

2. Be clear about the casting candidate requirements advertised and prepare accordingly

3. Join the auditions, impress the scouts and win your spot on the school team.

4. The ideal candidate for The University Challenge is smart, entrepreneurial, solutions driven, resourceful, articulate, and a team player, amongst others.

What happens when one is selected to represent their school?

Selected candidates will be required to form and brand their teams, brainstorm an execution plan to the task given, give team roles based on the task, and execute the task to their utmost abilities.

How many people form a team?

A minimum of 3 and a maximum of 5

Will mobilization funds be provided for teams in the competition?

Yes. Up to 50,000 cedis mobilisation funds are allocated to each team. However, to access the funds, each team will have to justify the use of money to be released.

What is the prize money for the winner of the competition?

GHS 1,000,000.00

Apart from the Prize Money, what else do competitors stand to gain?

Incubation/internship opportunities with the New Africa Foundation

For more on-the-go information on The University Challenge, kindly visit The University Challenge (UniChallengeGh) on all socials, send mail to:, or visit The University Challenge is an initiative of the New Africa Foundation. It is time to Aspire, Elevate, and Dominate.

Source: Charterhouse