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The deception and confusing messages must stop

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Mon, 15 Feb 2016 Source: GNA

The Very Reverend Joseph Atuahene, a Methodist Priest based in Canada, has expressed deep worry about the deception, strange and confusing religious doctrines, which he said, were not doing any good to the image of church.

He said the situation where all sorts of tricks are used to swindle worshippers – selling anointing oil and other items to them at ridiculously high prices and false prophecies, gave cause for concern.

Many of his colleague pastors, he said, appeared to have completely lost focus and into the priesthood only for self-gratification.

The Very Rev Atuahene, speaking at the 32nd anniversary of the Adum Cathedral branch of the Association of Methodist Men’s Fellowship in Kumasi, said the church must stand up against the charlatans.

“Truthfulness in worship” was the theme chosen for the event, which was used to review the activities of the Fellowship and how to grow the church.

He reminded the association to continue to uphold the Christian values of love, care and affection for the poor, integrity and humility.

He asked that it scaled up the church’s evangelism to bring salvation to more people.

Mr. Kwasi Agyemang Bediako, Kumasi Diocesan Chairman of the Men’s Fellowship, underlined their determination to work hard to promote the physical and spiritual development of the members.

They would continue to undertake major development projects to enhance the socio-economic well-being of the people.

Source: GNA