
The people of Ghana will not fail us in 2012- President Mills

Tue, 10 Jan 2012 Source: xfm 95.1

President John Evans Atta Mills says ŒThe Better Ghana Agenda¹ can be evidently seen throughout the length and breadth of the country.

³Ghanaians whether objective or not with their criticisms; cannot deny the fact that there has been an improvement in their lives", President John Evan Atta Mills said this during an interaction with the Media at the Castle yesterday.

Editor of the Enquirer newspaper had sought to find out what three major achievements President Mills' administration have chalked, upon which it should be given a second term.

President John Mills said, ³I will not boast and say that we have done everything. We have made a good beginning and I think that the people of Ghana will see what we have done and what we are capable of doing if they give us another term²

He expressed optimism that the effectiveness of the NDC's policies and programs ranging from education to business has helped Ghana "to maintain the peace and stability that we enjoy today².

According to him, his government has been able to effectively and efficiently use the resources available to provide social amenities to the people and better their lives.

³The government has maintained peace and stability. The government used resources to provide amenities they have not seen for years. They can see what they are enjoying? Traditional leaders are saying they have not seen this before,² he added. ³We have chalked a lot of achievement; indeed, year 2011 was clearly an action year². The president used the occasion to call on those who say he had reneged on his numerous promises ³to go and see things for themselves²

Story by Dennis Lawson/ Xfm 95.1/ Accra/ Ghana

Source: xfm 95.1