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The unity of Africa starts from Ghana - Julius Malema

Julius Malema In Ghanan Pan Africanist and Leader of South Africa's EFF, Julius Malema

Wed, 24 Jan 2024 Source:

The President of the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) of South Africa, Julius Malema, has called for the unity and economic freedom of Africa, a move he said starts from Ghana.

According to him, Ghana was the pioneer of the African liberation and self-determination movement, and South Africa followed and it was the last to achieve its freedom from colonialism and apartheid.

Speaking at an Arise Ghana event in Accra on January 23, 2024, Malema noted that African countries are connected by their shared histories and struggles, and that they should celebrate and support each other's achievements.

“The unity of this continent starts from here [Ghana], because the self determination of Africa started from here. When you got your first independence, we knew that one day South Africa would be free. When Frelimo won in Mozambique, we celebrated in South Africa as if that was our freedom. But we knew that the freedom of the people of Mozambique means the freedom of South Africa.

“This is because that is how we are connected, we celebrate each other’s achievement. It started here in Ghana and it ended in South Africa. We always follow the leadership of the Ghanaian people,” he stated.

He also said that the economic freedom of Africa would start in South Africa, where the EFF is fighting for the expropriation of land without compensation.

Julius Malema stated also that the land was stolen from the indigenous people by the White settlers, and that it should be returned to them without paying a cent.

“The economic freedom of Africa will start in South Africa. We want our land and we make no apology when we say that. Our lands were stolen and we want it back without paying a cent. And no one must pay a cent everywhere in Africa when they demand the expropriation of lands without compensation,” he added.

