
Tigo Develops Students

Fri, 14 May 2010 Source: Space FM,Sunyani

In keeping with updating the knowledge base of students and creating opportunities for mentoring, coaching and networking, Mobile network operator-Tigo is holding another round of Campus Storm sessions.

The first of such sessions this quarter, which kicks off this weekend at the Sunyani Polytechnic auditorium, is themed “Building a Sure Future Today.”Admission is free.

The Tigo Campus Storm series that started last year is aimed at equipping students with skills to reach beyond themselves in attaining academic laurels, preparing them for the job market, financial investment among others.

So far, students of the University of Ghana, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science & Technology, University of Cape Coast and the Institute of Professional Studies have taken turns to benefit from these skills and knowledge acquisition sessions.

Participants for the Tigo Campus Storm in Sunyani include students of Sunyani Polytechnic, Catholic University, Nurses Training College as well as some members of the general public.

Some of the topics to be discussed are “Personal Branding”, “Wealth Creation” and “My Course My Future.”

Facilitators for these discussions are Mr. Kofi Owusu, a Corporate Trainer, Mr. Kofi Tandoh, Media Youth Project and Mr. Raphael Acquah of Tigo.

In a pre event interview, the CEO of Golden Key Events, Yaw Owusu, said promoting Tigo has been one of the easiest marketing duties because clients are always satisfied while with other brands you have great difficulty penetrating because client satisfaction is very poor.

He noted that in terms of corporate social responsibilities, Tigo stands tall and the Brong-Ahafo region has not been left out. Yaw Owusu urged students to take advantage of the fair and stay loyal to Tigo. A number of students in the region have commended the network for clarity, moderate call rate and other friendly facilities.

Source: Space FM,Sunyani