FrontPage headlines all captured in the 'papers'
Stories making headlines on the front pages in the major newspapers include:
Daily Guide
* NPP mourns Agyarko
* Let's document our stories - Konadu
* Supreme Court okays 6 regions in 7-0 unanimous ruling
* Striking teachers cry over pay
The Daily Statesman
* New regions 'saboteurs' lose; Supreme Court dismisses challenge
* Akufo-Addo commissions Danquah Memorial Centre
* Has NDC scrapped the Rawlings factor?
* 'It's my time to lead NDC' says Spio
The New Crusading Guide
* Government cleared to create new regions as Supreme Court dismisses lawsuit against referendum
* KATH cries for financial support
* Veep launches Phase II of Mobile Money Interoperabilty
* JB Danquah Memorial Centre commissioned to leap Kyebi into the digital world
* Interpol acknowledges C&G Aleska Mines for its support
The Chronicle
* Massive jobs on rail; UMaT develops course for railways job seekers
* JB Danquah remembered at Kyebi
* Collins Dauda's brother not a murder - Moshie Chief
Business Finder
* $235 million for 10 landing sites
* Mobile Mobile: No more constraints in transactions across platforms
* CIMG Marketing oriented Company of the Year 2017
Ghanaian Times
* Develop single SIM card for all mobile money wallets - Veeps
* Government to construct 10 coastal fishing harbours next year
* SC dismisses writ on creation of new regions
* Exams malpractices: 3,479 face WAEC to assist in investigations
Daily Heritage
* All set for 6 new regions as Supreme Court throws out suit against referendum
* Korle-Bu hospital, others sued by interdicted directors
* Miss Universe Ghana 18 receives national gift from Ex-President Rawlings
* Think like record breakers - Spio charges NDC members
* E-coli found in water from wells, others - GSS