Fetish priest with whole body painted
In 2023, a fetish priest was arrested by the Ghana Police Service during a demolition exercise in Nima.
The fetish priest was called in by residents to try and stop the demolition but ended up in the grips of the police.
Read the full story originally published on August 16, 2023, by GhanaWeb
A supposed fetish priest ended in the grips of the police after he was called in by some residents of Nima to stop a demolishing exercise in the community.
In a video that has been shared online, the priest is seen bravely showing up after he was called by some members of the community to help them stop the demolishing.
The video, shared by GHhyper1, showed the fetish priest in his underpants, with a cloth wrapped around his waist, and herbs coiled around his neck, briskly walking towards the site of the demolition as he was being cheered on by onlookers.
At the urging of the crowd, the fetish priest, who was covered all over his body in a white substance, is seen pouring out the components of a bottle he was holding in his hand, perceived to be local alcohol, ‘akpeteshi’.
As he got closer to the demolishing site, he ‘faced off’ with a police officer, who approached him while urging him to stay calm.
Another police officer could be heard ordering the officers engaging the fetish priest to “whisk him away”.
The supposed fetish priest could also be heard saying, “this is a property of Bio, this is a property of Bio.”
The police are then seen leading him (the priest) away from the demolishing site.