
Today is world no tobacco day!

Fri, 31 May 2013 Source: Dr Kojo Essel

The theme for the year is ; Ban tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship.


• tobacco use is the single most preventable cause of deaths globally and is responsible for killing one in 10 adults Worldwide.

• globally the tobacco epidemic kills about 6 million people each year and over 600,000 of these are non-smokers and die from SECOND-HAND smoke.

• by 2030 the number of deaths will increase to 8 million a year if we do not STOP this trend. 80% of these deaths will be in low and middle-income countries


• there are no benefits from smoking (the often referred to weight management effect is a CRIME against humanity)

• it worsens the outcome of all lifestyle diseases and is also a major risk factor for all of them including; high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, osteoporosis, cancers, strokes and many more.


• you educate all smokers and assist them to quit

• NO SMOKING occurs in public areas including workplaces, restaurants etc

• if someone smoke in your presence ASK HIM/HER TO STOP - they are putting your life at risk

Do spread the message.

Dr Kojo Essel, MBChB, MBA, FT

(Health & Fitness Consultant)

Source: Dr Kojo Essel