
Total Petroleum Ghana embarks on school project in Jirapa district

Total Petroleum11 Officials of Total in a groundbreaking ceremony

Tue, 22 Aug 2017 Source: Total Petroleum

As part of its Corporate Social Responsibility, Total Petroleum Ghana Limited (Total Ghana) has decided to invest in a school infrastructure for the Tigboro Jeffiiri District Assembly Kindergarten & Primary School located approximatively 4 kilometers off the Jirapa Highway in the Upper West Region where it operates.

A Total Ghana contingent made up of the Health, Safety, Environment and Quality (HSEQ) Manager, Tamale Area Manager, CSR Officer and Communications Manager met with Representatives from the Jirapa District Assembly, School Authorities and Community Members of Tigboro, on 6th July, 2017, to cut the sod to commence the School Project.

The Project will constitute a six-classroom unit block along with a Teachers’ Common Room, a Store Room, a Headmistress’s Office, a Borehole, a Play Ground, a KVIP, a fenced wall and a Food Shed.

Addressing the crowd at the sod-cutting ceremony, the HSEQ Manager, Mr. Frank Boamah who is the head of the Project, noted that Education support was part of the Company’s Corporate Social Responsibility core initiatives. He explained that ‘Total Ghana, over the years, has been engaged in educating school pupils all over the country through Malaria prevention and control programmes, Road Safety awareness and so on. This year, the Company is adding another angle to its educational programme by constructing the Six-Unit Classroom Block with other amenities to aid the School. He added that creating the right environment and providing the appropriate infrastructure to harness quality education is what the Company seeks to achieve with this ambitious Project.

He further explained that the construction of the Project will be in two (2) phases: the first, comprising a three-unit block and the other associated amenities will be completed by end of third quarter of 2017 with the final three-unit block added on in 2018.

Addressing the elated crowd, the Headmistress, Madam Joyce Garyoun, expressed her excitement and deep appreciation for this brilliant initiative by Total Ghana. She reiterated her surprise as to how such a project could reach her school considering the seclusion of the Community. She was happy about the idea of a Borehole on the School Premises; saying that it will relieve the children from walking a long distance to fetch water. Madam Joyce Garyoun added that the food shed will also provide easy access to food.

The District Council Coordinator for the Assembly, Mr. Mumuni S. Sumani also lauded the initiative expressing his gratitude for better infrastructure and amenities which he confirmed will improve education and the lives of the pupils.

He was enthusiastic that the additional unit will provide enough seating space for the children and increase enrolment from within and around the Community. He wished Total Ghana well in its future endeavours and encouraged the continuation of such development projects to the benefit of all.

Mr. Boamah assured the public of Total Ghana’s commitment to make this project a success. He emphasized that the Company was not only interested in the commercial aspect of its operations but was also interested in aiding Communities and investing in the lives of the people.

Source: Total Petroleum