
Transfer Overstayed Officers

Fri, 10 Aug 2001 Source: Ghanaian Chronicle

A government appointee of the Cape Coast Municipal Assembly, Mr. Yoofi Hanson who is about three months old in the Assembly has called for the transfer of officers of the Assembly who have remained at post for 10 to 20 years and above.

He noted that some of the officers have remained at post for such a long time that they cannot perform creditably to the satisfaction of the Assembly.

He pointed out that such people, as he had observed, do not even report for work in time because they are above reproach and felt if such members of staff are transferred to other Assemblies, they can perform better at their new stations.

Speaking to the Chronicle at the premises of the Assembly, Hanson expressed regret that from his observation, some of the Assembly members, both elected and appointed, are not committed to their assignments and felt that something should be done to make all members to committed and dedicated to the work of the Assembly to enhance progress and development of the municipality.

He expressed the hope that recent seminars held for Assembly members and revenue collectors, if continued periodically, could change the attitude of all Assembly members to be responsible for the work they have accepted to do.

He pleaded with both officials and Assembly members to desist from petty bickering of "they say, they say" from the Assembly to enable it move forward in unity and conformity with the policy of the government's policy of positive change.

Hanson also urged the general public not to regard Assembly members as enemies but as brothers and sisters who have accepted to serve the society in their interest and called for their co-operation in the discharge of their duties.

Source: Ghanaian Chronicle