
Transitional period is no field day for civil servants - Chief Director

Tue, 13 Jan 2009 Source: GNA

Bolgatanga, Jan. 13, GNA - Mr Samuel N'Lary, Chief Director at the Upper East Regional Co-ordinating Council (RCC), on Tuesday urged heads of government Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) to remain committed to their responsibilities until otherwise directed by the new government.

He said they should be firm so that government machinery could continue functioning without hindrance. Mr N'lary was addressing a meeting of Regional Heads of Department in Bolgatanga that aimed at discussing pertinent transitional matters in the light of the new government under the National Democratic Congress. It was also to afford a platform for the clarification of issues that department heads were not conversant with as regard the transitional arrangements.

He said although the new government under President Mills was yet to make political appointments, some transitional arrangements had been put in pace by a Transitional Team as well as the formation of a number of sub-committees to oversee a smooth transfer of power. "These bodies derive their authority from the Presidency and in the same vain, Chief Directors of Ministries have also been mandated to act as caretakers of their respective regions pending the appointment of substantive Regional Ministers to ensure that government business progresses smoothly," he stated.

He tasked department heads in the region to do all in their capacity to facilitate a smooth transfer of power and to erase the notion that the law ceased to function during the transition period. On government expenditure, Mr N'lary cautioned heads of departments not embark on any spending until they had sought clearance from their various headquarters in Accra. He explained, however, that it was safe to disburse funds on day-to-day running of their establishments such as personal emoluments and administration.

"But when it comes to procurement and investment matters, you must not authorize or incur any expenditure without first of all seeking clearance from Accra," he emphasized. Mr N'lary also advised public servants, who might have acquired government auctioned vehicles and wished to change ownership, to first seek clearance from the Chief Director in the office of the President to avoid any complications.

Some heads of departments asked whether the directive not to incur expenditure also applied to donor funds. Others also asked whether it would be possible for the Transitional Team to delegate some of its authority to the various Regional Coordinating Councils (RCCs) to cut down on bureaucracy so as to minimise delays. Another issue was whether the National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) Secretariat also had to stop making payments until it received clearance from Accra. In response, Mr N'lary indicated that to be on the safer side, it was prudent to seek clearance from Accra in all instances involving expenditure. 13 Jan. 09

Source: GNA