Prof, I attempt to pour out my heart through these 14 lines. Not sure if you’d call it a poem.
Tis so sad; I’m so glad
How can death be so wicked?
All that I am is gone mad
The clouds have been sorely darkened
Alas a day of sorrow has visited us
On the black hills of Kenya
Our hero has been held captive from us
The ruthless brutes pointed the evil tool
An innocent child from the West could not escape through the west gate
And that instant determined his poor fate
But no, our father is only on a journey
A journey to occupy his position as the attorney
In the world of words where he rules
Tis bitter-sweet; tis so sad; I’m so glad
Tribute to Prof. K. Awoonor
Nsroma 2013
By Brooke Nuwati (Student of English, University of Ghana, 2006)