
Tumu College of Education Principal extols government

Tumu Government 4.jpeg Principal of the Tumu College of Education, Bernitus Adams Kaleo

Mon, 29 Apr 2019 Source: Abdul Karim Naatogmah

Principal of the Tumu College of Education in the Upper West Region, Bernitus Adams Kaleo has praised government for taken pragmatic steps to improve the quality of teacher education.

According to him, the introduction of a 4 year Bachelor of Education program is a wise decision.

"As part of her efforts to improve the quality of College Education in the country, the government introduced the new Teacher Education Reforms, the implementation of the National Teachers’ Standards and the National Teacher Education Curriculum Framework and most importantly, the conversion of all public CoEs to University Colleges."

"A major component of the teacher education reforms in Ghana was the introduction of the 4-Year B. Ed Programme which is geared towards the training of highly qualified and motivated teachers who are inspired to teach."

"The curriculum is a value driven curriculum in which the National Teacher Education Curriculum Framework was driven by the nation’s core values of Honesty, Creativity and Responsible Citizenship with the intent of achieving SDG 4: Ensuring equitable quality inclusive education and lifelong learning opportunities for all."

Bernitus Adams Kaleo was addressing the College's 3rd Congregation, Saturday 27, 2019.

He said a total of 241 deserving students were awarded certificates in Diploma in Early Childhood/Basic education.

He gave the breakdown as, "First class five, second class upper division 58 and second class lower, 122, third class 44 and pass 12."

"These graduands completed their course of study in 2017 and accordingly have satisfied the requirements for the award of a Diploma Certificate by the College under the mentorship of the IoE, U.C.C."

The Principal touted the institution as one of the best in the country where enrollment is higher.

"Tumu CoE can boast of her students always passing out with 100%, however, the performance this year can be described as exceptional since this is the 1st time that we have moved from one 1st class to five 1st class students. I have no doubt that these 51st class students will proof their worth in the world of work since this rare feat was achieved through a high display of discipline, dedication, determination and hard work under very strict competitive academic environment."

"Not only do our students exhibit a high sense of discipline and comportment during examinations but there is also a show of a maximum degree of discipline and commitment during supervision and invigilation of examinations by the staff."

He reassured the gathering of his administration's committment to meet the expected outcomes in line with the new reforms.

"We will continue to improve upon our performance as the years roll out without compromising standards. Being a concurrent one, the curriculum allows teachers subject content knowledge, pedagogy, assessment approaches and practical teaching skills to be developed alongside each other. Its integrated nature, stems from the fact that, it seeks to prepare students to meet the requirements of the NTECFand be assessed against the NTS to enable them teach the basic school curriculum."

"In order to harness the combined resources and expertise of designated Universities and Colleges to develop and deliver the 4-Year B. Ed curriculum, all 46 Public CoEs have been assigned to the five Public Universities offering education curricula on a special affiliation arrangement effective October, 2019. Tumu CoE per this arrangement is affiliated to UDS. By implication until the first cohort of the 4-Year B. Ed programme phases out, the College will be mentored by two universities- UCC and UDS."

Bernitus Adams Kaleo talked about improvement in staff motivation and inspiration.

"With the introduction of the 4-Year B.Ed programme in October, 2019, the College was left with no option than to improve upon both her human and material resources. Hence a number of tutors enrolled in various Universities in a bid to upgrade themselves with two tutors on PhD programmes and 5 pursuing MPhil programmes in various course areas."

"Five administrative staff have also enrolled in various Universities to upgrade themselves in conformity with our statutes as a University College."

"Since staff promotion is tied to Research and Publications, Management in the last academic year organized a number of College-based workshops and sponsored staff to attend some others outside the college especially those organized by UCC, NCTE and T-TEL. The engagement of tutors in the Professionalism Development Sessions every Monday between 7:00 and 9:00 offer tutors the rare opportunity of sharing best practices with colleagues thereby helping them to improve upon their professional values and attitudes, professional knowledge and professional practice, the key domains of the National Teachers’ Standards."

He reminded government to improve infrastructure deficit there.

"The College is still saddled with some challenges which must be addressed for the smooth implementation of the B. Ed programme. Apart from an appeal for the completion of the fence wall and the pavement of the ceremonial grounds, the stalled Getfund sponsored projects. To be able to accommodate four cohorts of the B.Ed programme come the next four years, the College needs to improve upon its infrastructural facilities."

"The following are therefore major infrastructural requirements for the smooth implementation of the B.Ed programme: Ultra-Modern Male and Female Students’ Hostel Facilities, Ultra-Modern Lecture Theatres, a Modern ICT Centre with Internet Facilities, a Well-Equipped Library, a Water System Solely for the College, an Administration Block Complex, the Creation and Tarring of the Internal Road Network and a 65-Seater Bus."

"We are hoping that our stalled Getfund projects, the fence wall and pavement of the ceremonial grounds upon completion would make our campus more secured and serene for academic work."

He inspired the graduands to serve as change Ambassadors in their localities.

"You have to prove to the whole world that you never got this far by default. You must be passionate and show a high level of commitment to your work. Remember that the main purpose of College education is to make you holistic individuals endowed with analytical minds. This will put you in the right frame of mind to examine issues critically, develop logical reasoning to enable you sift good from evil, rational behaviour from irrational behavior and above all good citizenship from bad citizenship."

"I have no doubt in my mind that you have been equipped with the needed moral values by the College during your stay here. Let these four Ds: Discipline, Determination, Dedication and Duty-consciousness be your guiding principles in your quest to create an impact on the learners that will be put under your care."

He tasked the school's old students to establish a vibrant Alumni saying, "Crucial for the development of any educational institution such as ours is the existence of a functional Alumni.

"Unfortunately, none exists in our College lest to talk of a functional one. With all humility, I wish to appeal to the old boys and girls in our midst to take up the task of forming a viable Alumni."

The Tumu College of Education Principal hailed government for reconstituting the governing Councils of some Colleges of Education.

"It is hoped that very soon our Governing Council and those of other CoEs would also be inaugurated to ensure effective governance at the CoEs."

Bernitus Adams Kaleo finally commended the College's development partners for their contributions over the years.

Amongst others, he mentioned the Sissala West District Assembly, the Deputy Regional Minister, the Agricultural Development Bank, the Ghana Commercial Bank, WALAZY AAA Company Ltd, Afrikids Ghana Ltd and Galson Enterprise, WALLER Systems, Amalug Complex Ent. Ltd, Sahah Home Touch, Konati Royal Ventures and Mwinmaalee Ventures

Source: Abdul Karim Naatogmah