
Two seas celebrate President's day

Fri, 7 Jan 2005 Source: GNA

Accra, Jan 7,GNA - While the sea tore and bruised the shoreline that stretches from the Osu Castle to the Independence Square and beyond another sea of humans covered every inch of the ceremonial grounds in anticipation of a President's coronation.

This Square, normally far removed from the hustle and bustle of the city, on this special day struggled under the weight of the endless stream of people, who had thronged to witness this historic occasion. At the far end of this field stands the Independence Arch, which holds the several textile pieces printed in the national colours of red, gold and green.

As the President's convoy rammed into the Square the crowd yelled in excitement and the thunderous sound was reverberated by concrete monstrosities called the Ministries.

He stepped out of his Caucasian contrivance that ferried him to the grounds majestically with Theresa, his companion in this part of the universe.

They walked hand in hand donning rich and colourful hand-woven Kente.

At the feet of their platform sat their children, who had flown out of the nest at a time when their childhood could have been more memorable.

Vice President Alui Mahama's mother had also crossed many rivers and terrains to see her son partner the President for the second time. Naa Morkor Busia, Wife of Dr Kofi Abrefa Busia, an Ancestor of the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP), sat at a distance reminiscing the young President as he learnt at the feet of her husband. To her it was dreams come true.

Many other African Heads of State, who had come to witness the President's Investiture, shared an open shed and shared pep talks and smiles.

The dais on which President Kufuor sat with Theresa also accommodated Vice President Mahama and Mr Begyina Sekyi-Hughes, Speaker of Parliament.

The President sat on a well-sculptured chair with a footstool, a handiwork of a master craftsman.

In the middle of this vast ground stood desperate Journalists, who had lost their seats to overzealous officials and their wives. The gossip of the day was that a President was to be sworn into office and that he was to rule the people of Ghana for the next four years.

So he spoke to his people after taking the oath of allegiance and Presidency.

He had come to thank them for voting him back to office. He had come to tell them that a brighter day beckons.

He spoke few words and had long wild applauses. The people had swarmed this arena to see, hear and admire him and be part of history. To be part of a moment when government will rest on the will of the people, when the humble is exalted and ennobled.

The huge drums called Fontomfrom throbbed in a distance as Soldiers and the Police created room for his exit. He waved as he left. The crowd burst out in ecstasy because they loved him.

The sea murmured and tossed, celebrating a great day its own way.

Source: GNA