
UCC Demo students asked to apologise ...

Tue, 17 Jul 2001 Source: GNA pave way for review of sanctions

The University of Cape Coast (UCC) Council has asked the nine students, who have been sanctioned for their role in the March 31st demonstration "to show remorse for their misdeed" by rendering a public apology through the media.

According to a release issued by the UCC's Public Relations Section at Cape Coast on Monday, it was the opinion of the Council, which met last Friday that the apology should be the first step towards negotiations and consideration for the review of the sanctions against them.

Last week, the Academic Board announced the withholding of the degrees of eight of them, who are final year students for three academic years.

The ninth student, who is in the third year was also to be rusticated for two academic years.

The release said the Students Representative Council of the UCC last Wednesday apologised for the demonstration in a petition to the registrar, asking the Board to reconsider its action against the students

Source: GNA