
UN Deputy Secretary General arrives for AU Summit

Thu, 28 Jun 2007 Source: GNA

Accra, June 28, GNA - Ms Asha-Rose Migiro, United Nations (UN) Deputy Secretary General, arrived in Accra on Thursday evening for the annual Summit of the African Union (AU) during which, she will call for stronger partnership between the UN and the AU on African issues. While in Ghana, Ms Migiro will speak on pertinent issues including the need to speed up efforts for the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals, the war against the spread of HIV/AIDS and the empowering of women and girls.

Accra, June 28, GNA - Ms Asha-Rose Migiro, United Nations (UN) Deputy Secretary General, arrived in Accra on Thursday evening for the annual Summit of the African Union (AU) during which, she will call for stronger partnership between the UN and the AU on African issues. While in Ghana, Ms Migiro will speak on pertinent issues including the need to speed up efforts for the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals, the war against the spread of HIV/AIDS and the empowering of women and girls. She will also touch on issues of peace and security on the continent and the latest joint efforts by the UN and the AU to resolve the crises in the Darfur region of Sudan. The Deputy Secretary General is also expected to hold bilateral meetings with some African leaders.

Source: GNA