Rebecca Akufo-Addo, First Lady
Some doctors from the US are in the country to train midwives and nurses on a procedure to save the lives of babies who die due to their inability to breathe within the first minute of birth.
The doctors who were invited by the First Lady Mrs Rebecca Akufo Addo through the Rebecca foundation will be in the country for four days.
The beneficiary nurses and midwives are from the Ledzokuku krowor municipality and Assin Gyaakan due to the high level of cases of child mortality recorded in these areas.
At a ceremony to officially announce their stay, the leader of the team of 11 medical officers, Dr. Douglas McMullin said the team raised about 10 thousand dollars to support efforts by government to reduce child mortality to the bearest minimum.
According to statistics 10 percent of babies need help to breath when they are born.
If such babies do not get help within the first minute, they are likely to die.
In Ghana one out of 20 babies die due to the inability of health professionals resuscitate them during this one minute described as the golden minute.
The First Lady Mrs. Rebecca Akufo-Addo as a measure to reverse the trend, has invited the group of doctors for a trainer of trainers program for some selected health professionals in these areas.
Sheela Sakyi Oppong is a Rep of the Rebecca Foundation.
The team are in the country for four days and are hoping to train more than 20 nurses and midwives who will also train others in their respective facilities.