
UTAG Is Striking Over Just 26 dollars - Tony Aidoo

Mon, 18 Oct 2010 Source: peacefmonline

Head of Policy Monitoring and Evaluation Unit at the Presidency, Dr. Tony Aidoo, says the strike action by members of University Teachers Association of Ghana (UTAG) is inane and pointless, considering the fact that their agitation is not about the improvement of remuneration.

He also asserts that most of the allowances and financial benefits that members of UTAG receives are not taxable, and is questioning why this is so.

Contributing to a panel discussion on Radio Gold’s Alhaji and Alhaji programme on Saturday, October 16, he disclosed that in 2003, the government of Ghana upon the recommendation of a Standing Joint Negotiation Committee of the Public Universities, accepted a 5 year road map for an improvement of the remuneration of University Staff senior members, with the basic salary pegged at $1,500.

According to him, in 2008, it was agreed that the road map should conclude in December through a communiqué dated March 13th, 2008.

But Dr. Tony Aidoo was incensed that the UTAG agitation which had kept the lecturers out of the classroom for more than two weeks was about “a so-called loss of value of some 26dollars”.

“…when you look at the subsequent tables beginning from 2009, you’ll find that not only were the target road map salary of $1,500 per month achieved, but in 2009, it has passed the $1,500 mark and was $1,774 equivalent. Indeed in 2010, it had gone up to $1,942…So the UTAG agitation is not about improvement in the remuneration. Do you know what the agitation is about? It’s about a so-called loss of value. And do you know the value so lost that has sent the lectures on strike for two (2) weeks? 26 dollars…,” he screamed.

The former Cape Coast University lecturer, who felt the UTAG strike action was illegal, also questioned why all the allowances members of UTAG receives, are not taxable eventhough the law requires every public sector person in the country to honour their tax obligations.

According to him, members of UTAG receive “Book Allowance, Research Allowance, Responsibility Allowance, Fuel Allowance, Car Allowance, Risk Allowance, Extra-Teaching Load Allowance, Part-time Allowance, Faculty Department allowance, Extra-marking Allowance, Invigilation Allowance, Reading Guide Allowance, Mentorship Allowance, Utility Allowance and House Related Allowance,” he revealed.

Source: peacefmonline