
'Under Trees' Schools Get Classrooms

Tue, 14 Aug 2007 Source: Times

Two communities in the Garu-Tempane district whose children used o attend classes under trees now have a three classroom, office and store each.

The schools located at Zambala and Akare were constructed by the Assembly at a total cost over ¢736.870 million. Speaking at the inauguration ceremony of the schools at separate durbars of chiefs and people here last Saturday, Mr. Emmanuel Sin-Yet Asigri the DCE said the assembly considers education its priority area.

This is because education is key to any development agenda as an enlightened population can participate effectively to enhance accelerated development.

He said due to the introduction of the capitation grant and school feeding programme many children have been sent to school.

For example the beneficiary community had enrolment of between 200 to 300 pupils in Primary One and that compelled the Assembly to move in quickly to provide the school infrastructure. Mr. Asigri disclosed that the Assembly has sponsored over 40 pupil teachers to undergo training at St. John BOSCOS Training College Gbewaa at Pusiga and Tamale Teachers College.

These graduates, he said, would beef up the teacher population and increase the pupil-teacher ratio situation in the district.

Mr. Eugene Zongo-Naah Domah the District Director of Education used the occasion to present free school uniforms and exercise books to 80 brilliant by needy pupils.

The beneficiaries 40 each from Zambala and Akara included 46 girls and 34 boys and was sponsored by the Department for Internal Development of U.K. (DFID).

Mr. Zongo-Naah who commended the Garu-Tempane District Assembly for procuring a four wheel Nissan Pick Up for the directorate said it had greatly enhanced their work.

In addition, the Ministry of Education had provided a number of motor cycles for its circuit supervisors to carry out their monitoring and supervisory activities.

The directorate, he pointed out is poised to ensure that all children of school going age are not only sent to school but remain in school, ensure quality education for each pupil as well as ensure that all stakeholders play their roles well for the success of the new Educational reforms due to take-off in September this year.

Source: Times