
University of Ghana honours past Vice Chancellors

Prof Akilagpa Sawyerr Professor Akilagpa Sawyerr was also honoured

Sun, 17 Apr 2016 Source: GNA

The University of Ghana, has honoured its three past Vice Chancellors for the impact they made on the University during their times on duty.

The honour involved naming Professor Akilagpa Sawyerr after a busy road in the University; Professor George Benneh after a road Circle and Professor Ivan Addae-Mensah after a road intersection.

Prof Sawyerr addressing the attendees said his concern was to have the university grow freely and have the encouragement of the government during his time as the Vice Chancellor.

He expressed gratitude to the Heads of the University for recognising what he and his colleagues they did for the school and giving him the honour.

“It is an irony of history that a road with asphalt is being named after me,” he said.

Prof Benneh expressing gratitude to the Authorities for honouring him adding:, “This clearly connotes that you do not have to belong to a political class before a road is named after you.”

Prof Addae-Mensah who also showed appreciation to the University for the honour urged the Chief Executive Officer of the Data Bank Group to consider construction of a traffic light at the intersection of the academic facility to prevent accidents.

“I thank the University for showing appreciation for the modest contribution I made to the University,” he said.

Prof Ebenezer Oduro Owusu, Vice Chancellor of the University disclosed to the media in an interview that the African Universities in collaboration with Times Higher Education is going to hold the African University Summit.

He said the purpose is to bring to global attention all the developments taking place in African Universities and showcase how developmental African universities are becoming global players.

Prof Oduro Owusu said the publicity that would be given through the Times Higher Education would develop new opportunities for African Higher Education.

The Vice Chancellor said the Summit would also be looking at how globalisation is affecting the space available in higher education in Africa.

He said since globalisation has made it possible for countries to travel to countries for education, the summit would also find out the implications of having students from Africa travelling to pursue higher education in Europe, the United States and Asia.

“We will also look at how to get African Francophone countries to study in African Anglophone countries and vice versa.”

Source: GNA