
Upper East marks 16 days of activism

Gender Activitism Violent The event was organised by the Directorate of the Department of Gender

Tue, 12 Dec 2017 Source:

The Upper East Region has marked this year’s 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence with a call for cultural reformation to help curb violence meted against women.

The 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence is an international campaign to challenge violence against women and girls. It was initiated in 1991 by the first Women's Global Leadership Institute, held by the Centre for Women's Global Leadership (CWGL) at the Rutgers University.

The event which was organised by the Directorate of the Department of Gender under the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection at Wakii in the Talensi District with a route march attracted over 100 people.

Mr Samuel Akolgo, Senior Programme Officer at the Department of Gender, who addressed the gathering after the route march stressed that the reformation of culture was key to addressing negative cultural practices that impede the welfare of women and girls.

While calling on traditional rulers to lead the process, the Senior Programme Officer advocated the inclusion of all stakeholders including; the involvement of women, the youth, and the elderly in the decision processes of traditional councils.

He noted that targeting women as witches was a violation of their rights and stressed that Violence against women was inhuman and a human rights violation. “The canker also damages and robs women and girls of their dignity”, he pointed out.

He said as part of cultural reformation, there was the need for all stakeholders, particularly parents to ensure that both boys and girls were in school with equal investment in them.

Mr James Twene, the Acting Regional Director of the Department of Gender, explained that the rationale behind Ghana joining the global community to mark the day was to intensify the campaign and increase awareness on issues of violence against women and girls as well as sensitising the general public on the Domestic Violence Act.

He said research conducted by different organisations said the Upper East region was among the highest incidences of violence against women and girls and appealed to stakeholders to help fight the phenomenon.

The event was supported by World Vision Ghana, Plan International, Department for International Development among others.
