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Upper West chiefs want roads rehabilitated

Damaged Buokrom Airport Road Library photo: Road

Mon, 13 Jul 2015 Source: GNA

Traditional rulers from Tumu and Gwollu in the Upper West Region, have appealed to government to work on the roads in the two Sissala districts to facilitate the easy movement of people, goods and services.

They said the bad nature of the roads is hampering business transactions between them as with neighbouring Burkina Faso.

The Tumu Kuoro Richard Babini Kanton and Gwollu Kuoru, Buktie Limann made the appeal, when Mr Edwin Nii Lantey Vanderpuye, Deputy Minister of Local Government and Rural Development, when he toured the area.

They called on government to make farming inputs such as fertilizers, insecticides and tractor services available to enable farmers to increase food production.

The traditional rulers urged government to consider providing the Sissala West District with a hospital while expansion work is made on the Tumu Hospital to cater for the overgrowing population of the area.

Nii Lante Vanderpuye said: “Government might have the political power but the traditional rulers have a divine control and authority over the people, and that should be used to complement government’s development efforts.”

Source: GNA