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Ursula asks: I Need A Visa To Visit Odododiodoo?

Ursula Owusu 04Oct2010

Fri, 27 Apr 2012 Source: peacefmonline

“Today, I’m being told I had no legitimate business in Odododiodio so I should not have gone there and that if I ever want to visit Odododiodoo or any other constituency apart from Ablekuma South, I have to apply for and be issued with a visa? Ok, tell me where the consulate for Odododiodio is? They should show me where to apply for a visa so I can visit Odododiodio…,” were the words of Madam Ursula Owusu, aspiring New Patriotic Party (NPP) Member of Parliament for Ablekuma South.

She was responding to critics who have slammed her for her decision to go to Odododiodoo and who opine she only suffered an assault because she was at the wrong place at the wrong time.

A couple of weeks ago, Ursula Owusu, in the company of Samuel Abu Jinapor, an aide to Nana Akufo Addo, presidential candidate of the NPP, had visited the Odododiodoo constituency to encourage supporters of the party to register in order to vote in the upcoming December elections when she was attacked by a group of macho men suspected to be linked to the NDC parliamentary aspirant for the constituency, Nii Lantey Vanderpuije.

However, some members of the ruling party say the NPP aspirant had it coming since she had no business going to the Odododiodoo constituency to educate prospective voters.

But contributing to discussions on Peace FM’s ‘Kokrokoo’ Morning Show, the Gender Advocate questioned the logic behind remarks that she had no business visiting another candidate’s constituency aside Ablekuma South.

“They accuse me of abandoning my constituency and somewhat trespassing into another constituency. For over 20 years, I have journeyed throughout the country educating women on their rights and explaining legal issues to them, long before I decided to go into mainstream politics. And now, simply because I’m running for parliament, I should stop what I’ve been doing for ages? For me, I believe this is what God has endowed me with to help others and I will not allow people to stop me…,” Ursula said.

In a tone dripping with deep sarcasm, she added: “We have a sitting MP in Odododiodio; he is not even demanding that one seeks permission before coming to his constituency, but someone else who is seeking to become the mouthpiece of the constituents in Parliament, is now acting as Lord over all he surveys and demanding for a ‘visa’? I wonder if such a person is the one the people of Odododiodio want to be their MP.”

Source: peacefmonline