
Using disabled children to beg -caution

Fri, 31 Aug 2007 Source: GNA

Takoradi, Aug. 31, GNA - The use of disabled children in begging for alms is an offence and a violation of both the Disability Bill of 2006 and the Children's Act of 1998, Mr Anthony E Amoah, Western Regional Minister had said.

"Their disability should not be used as an opportunity to deprive them off education or skills training but all efforts must be made to develop their potentials and skills for their future survival and independence". Mr Amoah said this at a day's forum aimed at assisting in the implementation of the Act in Takoradi on Wednesday. It was organised by the Ghana Federation of the Disabled (GFD) for persons with disability (PWD), health personnel, civil society and human rights activists.

The Regional Minister said under the Children's Act, "no person shall treat a disabled child in an undignified manner". "A disabled child has a right to special care, education and training wherever possible to develop his maximum potential and be self-reliant", Mr. Amoah stressed.

He said the 1992 Constitution was against discrimination of all forms and every opportunity must be made available to assist them access public places, schools, health facilities and social centres. Mr Yaw O Debrah, Coordinator of the Ghana Federation of the Disabled (GFD) appealed to the media to assist in sensitising the public adequately towards the implementation of the Disability Act. 31 Aug. 07

Source: GNA