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VRA Assures Constant Power Supply

Mon, 17 Feb 2003 Source: Public Relations Directorate

The VRA has not minced words about the increasingly low inflow into the Volta Lake which has resulted in the low level of Akosombo reservoir. VRA has also been honest about the end of the days of cheap electricity: "Akosombo Nkanea Asa".

VRA, however, wishes to assure all Ghanaians that it is poised to meet this year's total projected domestic demand of 5,725GWh and has put its invaluable experience and high level of competence at play to ensure that the days of energy crisis becomes a thing of the past.

To meet the domestic demand for 2003 (5,725) in full in the light of the low inflows into the lake, the ratio of hydro to thermal generation will have to be 35%: 65%. The mix of generation sources for the year and their contributions are as shown below:

Projected Supply (GWh)

Hydro (Akosombo/Akuse) 2,648

TAPCO (TTPS) 1,218

TICO (VRA/CMS) 1,225

Tema Diesel 112

Imports for VRA 1,423

VRA has also put in place, adequate measures to prevent the occurrence of energy shortfall with the setting up of a Strategic Reserve Power Plant located at New Tema. This Plant is planned to be in line in the first quarter of the year and is expected to support the system with 634 GWh.

Furthermore, on-going installation of capacitor banks in VRA's substations at New Tema, Achimota, Mallam, Kumasi, Obuasi and Asawinsu will check and improve system voltages, reduce transmission losses and increase the capability of transmission lines to transmit real power to the load centers.

We therefore wish to reiterate our call to the all Ghanaians to practice energy conservation to reduce their bills, save energy and reduce waste. We assure the public that arrangements for their continued access to power have been put in place despite the low inflows into the Volta Lake.

Source: Public Relations Directorate