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VRA issues "flood alert"

Fri, 8 Aug 2008 Source: GNA

as Burkinabe set to spill water
Accra, Aug. 8, GNA - The Volta River Authority (VRA) said on Friday that Burkina Faso company that manages its dam, SONNABEL, has advised that considering the rate of elevation in the Bagre Dam in that country, it may open the dam by August 21 if the current rate of rise in elevation continues.

A statement signed by Ms Abla Fiadjoe, Acting Director, Corporate Service of VRA, said the possible spilling of water from the Bagre Dam, may cause the White Volta River to swell and likely occupy its normal flood plains.

It advised the residents and communities along the Banks of the White Volta and its tributaries in the Upper East, Upper West and Northern regions to take precautionary measures to avoid being adversely affected.

The statement also urged all government, public and opinion leaders to assist in alerting residents along the banks of the White Volta of the impending swell.

Source: GNA