
Volta Barracks no longer a no go area for civilians-Maj. Afriffah

Mon, 8 Mar 2010 Source: GNA

Ho, Mar. 08, GNA-Major Kingsley K.K. Afriffah, Commander (Rear) of t= he 66 Artillery Regiment (Volta Barracks), on Monday observed that military-civilian relationship in the Volta Region had improved. He noted that the Barracks was no longer a "no go area" for civilian= s adding, the relationship between the military and civilians in the Region=

was reaching its zenith.

Major Afriffah was interacting with the media at a Military open Day=

organized by the Regiment as part of the 53rd Independence Anniversary celebrations. He said though the public had deep seated negative perceptions on th= e military, the Regiment through various social responsibility activities a= nd interactions with civilians posted a positive image and was still working=

towards a better relationship.

"Now there is no myth around the military. Civilians now know that military personnel are only civilians in uniform," he said. The open day witnessed a massive patronage of pupils and students fr= om the first and second cycle institutions, Cadet Corps, other social groupi= ngs and some individuals. Officers at the various stands took visitors through the history and=

evolution of Artillery, military life, dress code and field craft. The various types of gun at the Regiment were displayed to the admiration of the public. 08 Mar. 10

Source: GNA