
Volta Lake Boat owners hike prices

Thu, 23 Jan 2003 Source: GNA

The Tapa Abotoase Boat Owners Association in the Jasikan District have expressed concern over the fuel price increases and complained about the poor quality of pre-mix fuel supplied to them.

Members of the Association, at a meeting to discuss the fuel price hike and determine new fares on the lake, called on the sector Ministry to provide them with quality pre-mix fuel and outboard motors at affordable prices.

Mr Kaizaro Yao Awoye, Secretary of the Association, said boat owners had increased fares on the Volta Lake by 100 per cent.

Abotoase to Didja, from 15,000 cedis to 30,000 cedis, Abotoase to Otiso, 12,000 cedis to 24,000 cedis and Abotoase to Kete Krachi, 25,000 cedis to 50,000 cedis.

Fares charged by smaller boats, popularly known as "taxis", have also gone up by 110 per cent.

Public reactions to the fuel price increases in the Jasikan and Kadjebi, Districts, have been mixed.

Mr Kofi Adjei Ntim, Kadjebi District Chief Executive, described the decision as "bold and positive" as it would save the petroleum industry from collapse.

''I appeal to Ghanaians to take the increase as a vital bitter pill that will help sustain the petroleum industry.''

Mr Divine Foli, a civil servant, said food prices were rising, ''adding to the financial burden of civil servants.''

Mr Foli suggested the reintroduction of the leave allowance as part of measures to cushion workers against the increases.

A fuel dealer at Hohoe Zongo was worried about low fuel sales following the increases.

He said the highest quantity of fuel being bought by car owners now was two gallons while taxi drivers bought only one-gallon at a time.

Source: GNA