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Volta Region to hold Economic Development Forum

Sat, 14 Mar 2015 Source: GNA

A six-member trade delegation from Arkansas, Delta Region of the United States is expected in the Volta Region next week for an Economic Development Forum.

The team, under the leadership of the Secretary of State of Arkansas, Mark Martin and his Deputy, Joseph K. Wood, would explore investment potentials in the Volta with a view of establishing “Sister Cities” regional global partnership between the Region, Ghana and Arkansas, Delta Region of the United States.

The one week forum, scheduled to start on Monday, March 16, 2015 would see investors from the State partnering viable ventures, businesses and individuals to expand the local economy.

Mr Francis Ganyaglo, the Deputy Volta Regional Minister who briefed the media on the forum on Friday said, a memorandum of understanding would be signed after an exploratory meeting to ‘seal’ the partnership.

He said agriculture, tourism, communication, oil and gas, health, education-exchange programmes and roads and building infrastructure would be the areas of cooperation and asked the private sector to feature “prominently.”

Mr Ganyaglo also urged Municipal and District Assemblies in the Region to take advantage of the opportunity to market their areas for investments.

Mr Kwame Kludjeson, the President Chair of African Regional Representatives of Sister Cities International said “this is a huge opportunity and I’m positive.”

Arkansas is said to be the food basket of the United States. It is the largest producer of rice, broilers and turkeys and among the top three for cotton, pullets and aquaculture-catfish.

The partnership is therefore expected to position the Volta Region to make maximum use of its land and water resources to improve agricultural production and create jobs.

Source: GNA