
W/R DVLA rejects vehicles without seatbelts

Wed, 3 Sep 2014 Source: GNA

The Western Regional Office of the Driver, Vehicular and Licensing Authority (DVLA) on Monday refused to register a number of vehicles which had no seatbelts in them.

Mr. Godson Wemegah, Regional Director of the DVLA told the GNA that the office was only implementing a directive in Regulation 119 of the DVLA mandate on the use and fitting of seatbelts in vehicles.

He said seatbelts were key in saving lives in times of accidents.

The DVLA boss said often cargo cars were converted to buses for commercial purposes without appropriate seats and belts which had greatly resulted in loss of lives during road crashes.

He added that the passenger's safety was critical in developing the human resource of the country and the Authority would enforce the regulation to the latter.

Source: GNA