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Watch as referee abandons Division One game over hooliganism in Swedru

Scenes at the Swedru Stadium after Kenpong Academy and New Edubiase was ended

Mon, 17 Apr 2023 Source:

Hooliganism unfortunately has become part and parcel of Ghana football because not a year or season goes by without football games being disrupted by of violence.

Barely two weeks ago, there were acts of hooliganism attacks in the Ghana Premier League when Tamale City FC were attacked in Dormaa Ahenkro after their defeat to Aduana Stars on April 2, 2023.

The Tamale City team bus was attacked with stones leading to injuries to some players and staff as well the team bus itself.

While the country has not recovered from the incident in Dormaa, another happened on Sunday, April 16, 2023, in Swedru where the Division One League game between Kenpong Academy and New Edubiase United was ended prematurely.

Referee Godfred Kyegah abandoned the game at the Swedru Sports Stadium after he was attacked by the players and supporters of the home team after awarding a second-half penalty to New Edubiase.

The game between Kenpong Academy and New Edubiase United was 3-2 in favour of the visitors before the game was abandoned by referee Godfred Kyegah.

Watch the video below from the 61st minute on what happened at the Swedru Stadium:

