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Watch the Black Brotherhood’s pilgrim to Volta to invoke Nkrumah’s spirit in 1973

Video Archive
Sat, 24 Aug 2024 Source:

In 1973, fifty dedicated members of the newly formed 'Black Brotherhood International' embarked on a historic pilgrimage to Dodi Island on Ghana’s Volta Lake, seeking to invoke the spirit of the late Dr. Kwame Nkrumah.

Traveling from the port of Akosombo aboard the 'Akosombo Queen,' they journeyed to the specific spot where Dr. Nkrumah used to picnic with his cabinet.

There, they offered libations to the gods of the Volta Lake and calling upon Nkrumah’s spirit to help them in their mission.

In a video cited by GhanaWeb, the group were seen traveling on the 'Akosombo Queen' ferry to perform the rituals.

Led by President Togbor Mensah, they were determined to lay the groundwork for their vision of African unity.

After reaching Dr. Nkrumah's favourite spot, one of the members, Brother Evans Hunter poured libation to the gods of the Volta Lake and invoked the help of the spirit of Dr. Nkrumah.

The pilgrimage ended with the powerful Black Power salute, symbolizing their solidarity and commitment.

Initially known as 'Black Brotherhood International,' the organization later became known as 'The Black Brothers.'

The group was hoping to bring home all people of African descent who had been displaced due to the slave trade.

Watch video below:

