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Watch your words, no one wants you to lose your life - Nana Akomea to Asiedu Nketiah

Nana Akomea IPR.jpeg Nana Akomea is CEO of the State Transport Corporation

Tue, 20 Dec 2022 Source:

State Transport Corporation Chief Executive Officer, Nana Akomea has cautioned the newly elected National Chairman of the National Democratic Congress, Johnson Asiedu Nketiah to be mindful of his utterances.

Mr. Asiedu Nketia polled 5,569 votes representing 65.17% of total votes to defeat the immediate former National Chairman, Samuel Ofosu-Ampofo who polled 2,392 ballots representing 33.81%.

In Asiedu Nketiah's inaugural address after the NDC’s congress, he said; “We are prepared to sacrifice everything; and I mean everything, including our lives, to achieve victory.”

“Wherever impunity becomes law, resistance becomes a duty.”

“Looking at the array of executives elected today, I have no doubt the party wants us to carry the battle to the elephant. We cannot let the country, and we cannot let the party down,” he added.

But Nana Akomea is least enthused about the statements made by Asiedu Nketiah, popularly called 'General Mosquito'.

Reacting to these on Peace FM's "Kokrokoo" show, Nana Akomea asked 'General Mosquito', to refrain from making such seditious comments.

"He should watch his words carefully if he wants his chairmanship to be successful. I heard him say [we're] prepared to sacrifice our lives. Asiedu Nketia, nobody in Ghana wants you to lose your life," he added.

He advised the NDC to do their homework well going into the 2024 elections, saying, "just go and do your collation. During the elections, make sure you have done your collation. You have agents at every polling station; your agents are given their pink sheets. The results are on the pink sheets, collate it".

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