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We are working to resolve teacher trainees' funding challenges – Education ministry

Trainee Allowance Teachers File photo: Teacher trainees

Tue, 1 Nov 2022 Source:

The Ministry of Education has confirmed that it has received a request from the Conference of Principals of Colleges of Education (PRINCOF) for trainee teachers to feed themselves. In a statement issued by its spokesperson, Kwesi Kwarteng, the ministry said that it is working to resolve the challenges the colleges are facing. It indicated that the colleges were finding it difficult to provide three square meals to their students because of a funding challenge which the Ghana Tertiary Education Commission (GTEC) and the Ministry of Finance are working to resolve. “GTEC is working through the MOE to resolve the funding challenge. “Ministry of Finance is equally aware of the urgency of the situation and is working very swiftly to resolve all outstanding financial obligations/commitments. “The public is hereby assured of our commitment to work with all relevant institutions to resolve any disruption within the food supply chain in our Colleges of Education even ahead of the November 7th ultimatum,” parts of the statement read. PRINCOF wrote to the Education Ministry requesting that trainee teachers start fending for themselves effective Monday, November 7, 2022. PRINCOF explained that it has become “increasingly difficult for principals to continue to provide three meals a day to students at six cedis, fifty pesewas (GH¢6.50). “Principals of Colleges of Education have been trying really very hard to feed trainee teachers in recent times as a result of current market trends. Prices of all food items have shot up astronomically, and food suppliers have refused to supply any food items to Colleges because of the indebtedness of Colleges to these suppliers,” parts of the letter read. View the statement from the Education Ministry below: You can also watch this episode of People & Places on GhanaWeb TV: IB/BOG

The Ministry of Education has confirmed that it has received a request from the Conference of Principals of Colleges of Education (PRINCOF) for trainee teachers to feed themselves. In a statement issued by its spokesperson, Kwesi Kwarteng, the ministry said that it is working to resolve the challenges the colleges are facing. It indicated that the colleges were finding it difficult to provide three square meals to their students because of a funding challenge which the Ghana Tertiary Education Commission (GTEC) and the Ministry of Finance are working to resolve. “GTEC is working through the MOE to resolve the funding challenge. “Ministry of Finance is equally aware of the urgency of the situation and is working very swiftly to resolve all outstanding financial obligations/commitments. “The public is hereby assured of our commitment to work with all relevant institutions to resolve any disruption within the food supply chain in our Colleges of Education even ahead of the November 7th ultimatum,” parts of the statement read. PRINCOF wrote to the Education Ministry requesting that trainee teachers start fending for themselves effective Monday, November 7, 2022. PRINCOF explained that it has become “increasingly difficult for principals to continue to provide three meals a day to students at six cedis, fifty pesewas (GH¢6.50). “Principals of Colleges of Education have been trying really very hard to feed trainee teachers in recent times as a result of current market trends. Prices of all food items have shot up astronomically, and food suppliers have refused to supply any food items to Colleges because of the indebtedness of Colleges to these suppliers,” parts of the letter read. View the statement from the Education Ministry below: You can also watch this episode of People & Places on GhanaWeb TV: IB/BOG

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