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We drink tea and chew chicken at your expense; stop fighting for politicians – Boniface

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Wed, 4 Oct 2017 Source:

The Minister for Inner City and Zongo Development, Boniface Abubakar Saddique has urged residents of Old Fadama and people of northern descent to resist attempts by politicians to use them in acts that will cause mayhem and instability in the country.

Speaking at a town hall meeting organised by GHone TV in Old Fadama to mark their one year anniversary Boniface Abubakar made shocking and damning revelations about the ‘pretentious’ and ‘selfish’ nature of politicians.

Hon. Saddique mentioned that both NDC and NPP politicians after their usual hot exchanges and debates on various platforms meet to have fun and make merry hence advised the inhabitants of Old Fadama to tread cautiously when a politician tries to use them to achieve his or her parochial interest.

““We politicians have a loud mouth and can sweet talk you. “Honestly, all the conflicts in Ghana is caused by poverty and politicians. One word a politician will say is more than a knife. If you see us in public arguing we are not fighting, we only argue and when we are done, will go and sip tea and chew chicken”

”I want to tell you to do your politics well and don’t let politicians deceive you. If you see us in public arguing we are not fighting, we only argue and when we are done will go and sip tea and chew meat. We are like brothers when in meet privately,” he said.

The Madina lawmaker mentioned names of politicians across the two political divides who are related by blood to corroborate his claim that Ghanaian politicians are one people with different political ideologies.
