
We have no confidence in govt to engage us - #FixTheCountry protest convener

Mawuse Oliver Barker Vormawor Oliver Barker-Vormawor is a convener of #FixTheCountry protest

Sun, 9 May 2021 Source:

A convener of the #FixTheCountry protest that was scheduled to happen today, Sunday, May 9, 2021, has emphatically stated how they have no confidence in the government and its attempt at sitting at the table to discuss their concerns with them.

Oliver Barker-Vormawor explained that following earlier disrespectful treatments and unlawful ways that persons in the government apparatus handled them, it has become impossible for them to trust the commitment they have towards them.

“The consistent actions by state actors so far for me does not show that it takes its citizens as matured stakeholders in our democratic conversation. I am a bit perplexed and a little disappointed to hear that what is happening to us is a bit respectful; I find it difficult to accept. First of all, let’s walk through the procedures the government has taken to address our concerns our rights to express our disaffection. Seeing careful on the nature on how we were whisked into what was in essence, a cabinet meeting, for me, that significantly displeases me. People have the right to their bodily autonomy and to decide where they want to go," he earlier said.

By this, he said that their leadership finds it hard to believe the government in addressing the concerns for which they had planned this protest.

“I got a call from somebody, claiming that Professor Gyampo had received a call from government, saying that they wanted to meet us again. We have no confidence in the government outreach in wanting to have a conversation when it does not really believe that they can engage people respectfully and in respect of their bodily autonomy,” he said.

Oliver Barker-Vormawor was speaking on Saturday, May 8, 2021, edition of NewsFile on the JoyNews channel and monitored by GhanaWeb.
