
We need to find out what pushed Buduburam police killer to pull the trigger – Dr Kwesi Aning

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Fri, 6 Sep 2019 Source:

Director for the Faculty of Academic Affairs & Research at the Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre, Dr. Kwesi Aning says there is the need to find out what motivated Eric Duah to kill two police officers at Buduburam two weeks ago.

Speaking on the current security situation in Ghana on Metro TV’s Good Evening Ghana, the security expert noted that criminals do not have enough courage to run after a person to kill him in broad daylight, so questions need to be asked.

“We need to ask some very tough counterfactual questions… what is it about this particular area where this criminal resides that gives him the authority and the power to gun down two police officer in broad daylight mafia style.

Ordinary criminals don’t behave that way and as an analyst, we’ve got to then ask the counterfactual. What is it that empowered him to do what he did, what could have annoyed him so much?... even in southern parts of where the mafia work in Europe they don’t do that anymore so there is daringness that we need to drill down.”

He said the investigators in charge of the case should be bold enough to get to the logical conclusion of the matter; adding that a thorough search of Eric Duah’s network must be carried out.

“The daringness of which this dastardly criminal act was undertaken should send chills down everybody’s spine and if we don’t clamp down on it, use network analysis to expand who knows him and is part of this network then we are in trouble.”

He expressed worry on how criminals are now daring to take on the authority of the state.

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