
We need unity to win power in 2016 - Joe Ghartey

Joe Ghartey

Sat, 30 May 2015 Source:

Member of Parliament for Essikado Ketan, Joe Ghartey, has counselled members of the New Patriotic Party to focus on fishing out effective ways of solving their internal challenges rather than blowing it out of portion.

In his statement copied to, Joe Ghartey reminded the party that ahead of the 2016 general elections, they could not afford to miss their date with destiny by deepening the cracks in the party they can patch. He also extended his condolence to the family of the late former Upper East Regional Chairman of the NPP.

Read below his full statement

Over the recent past, events have unfolded in our party, the NPP, which are known to all of us. I therefore crave your indulgence not to recount these events. Suffice it to say that I extend my deepest condolences to the family of the Upper East Chairman, Chairman Adams Mahama. I join all well meaning Ghanaians to pray that the perpetrators of the sad event which led to his unexpected demise face the full rigors of the law. We also need to remind ourselves of the presumption of innocence in criminal jurisprudence which has found constitutional support in article 19 (2) (c) of the 1992 constitution. Simply put each man is innocent unless proven guilty. At this stage we must all urge the law enforcement agencies not to rest on their oars.

Unfortunately recent events playing out in the national media leave much to be desired. Statements and counter statements; persons belonging to various recognized groups in the Party disassociating themselves from statements purported to have been made on their behalf; and resort to the media at the least provocation seems to have become the order of the day. Intolerance, mistrust and suspicion seems to be slowly becoming our portion.

Heaven forbid that this should be our portion. We have a date with destiny that we cannot afford not to keep. The Bible says in Proverbs Ch 18 v. 21 a, that death and life are in the power of the tongue. I am therefore appealing to all members of our Party to hold their horses, lower their guns and cease fire.

We owe this to generations past, the present generation and generations to come. I am confident that this is just a passing phase and we shall emerge stronger as a Party. But this phase must come to an end. The phase of use of various forms of media including the rising use of social media to discuss all Party issues must come to an end.

Let us tolerate one another, respect our elders and cease fire, whilst we resolve all outstanding issues in the manner we have always done. Our teeming supporters and good people of Ghana should be rest assured that all outstanding issues will be resolved in a manner that will unite the Party and move us from strength to strength. We have a date with destiny in 2016 and by the grace of God we shall keep the date.

God Bless NPP

God Bless Ghana

Joe Ghartey

Second Deputy Speaker MP Essikado Ketan
