
‘We won’t kotow to political pressure’ – Osei-Mensah

SIMON OSEI MENSAH MINISTER AR Simon Osei-Mensah, Ashanti Regional Minister

Fri, 16 Jun 2017 Source:

The Ashanti Regional Minister, Simon Osei-Mensah, has stated categorically that the Regional Coordinating Council would not compromise the development of Kumasi for party interest.

The minister who was appalled by the level of impunity by the people that has caused the Kumasi metropolis to lose its onetime glorious status as the Garden City said they will prioritise the development of the city irrespective of party pressures. “We are in to serve the people and not individuals.

We won’t kowtow to any political pressure, even Jesus could not satisfy all his disciples that’s why Judas betrayed him. We know we can’t satisfy everybody,” he stated. His comments come on the back of some actions of the people within the metropolis which has resulted in among others, flooding and destruction of roads.

During an inspection of the city by the Minister and members of the Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly, it emerged at Abrepo Asubonteng that the Subin stream has been encroached on. The situation has damaged the road linking Abrepo and Bohyen and leads to the Barekese Dam.

It also serves as a major detour to the Northern and Brong Ahafo Regions. Unhappy about the situation, Mr Osei Mensah said all structures on that stretch would be pulled down to serve as a deterrent to others.

Lost status Population growth, authorities say, has affected Kumasi metropolis in losing its status as the Garden City. The situation has led to the springing up of slums as people look for shelter. Human activities like the indiscriminate dumping of refuse, open defecation and hawking on the streets have become some of the major issues confronting the local authority.

It was against this backdrop that the minister and city authorities toured some parts of the metropolis to familiarise themselves with the problems to enable them to devise workable solutions to address them.
